Literacy at P.S. 62Q


As part of the NYC READS initiative, which began 2023-2024, the HMH Literacy curriculum has been adopted city wide. This curriculum is all inclusive of reading and writing. HMH Writing is being implemented in grades K-5, which builds a uniform learning environment schoolwide. This program is a writers workshop model; mini-lesson, work time and share time. Students go through the many steps of the writing process throughout the modules, building confident and independent writers. HMH is a cyclical program. As students progress through the year and grades, they are constantly revisiting and solidifying skills learned.

Blended Learning

Amira: Amira learning is the first intelligent reading assistant that provides students with personalized tutoring and adaptive intervention at their just right level. (K-2)


Waggle: Waggle is a supplemental reading platform that offers adaptive, personalized and guided practice while also offering assessments for data tracking. (3-5)

RAZ Kids: RAZ Kids is a digital library for grades K-5 that allows students to pick books based on their level or interests. Teachers are able to assign books to students based on their needs, with assessments to help track progress in their reading development.